PACER SESSION DATE: Thursday June 04, 1998 08:18:53 PM EDT

Docket as of June 4, 1998 0:45 am               Page 1

Proceedings include all events.
1:97cv1946    PGP Media, Inc. v. Network Solutions

                       U.S. District Court
  Southern District of New York - Civil Database (Foley Square)

               CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 97-CV-1946

PGP Media, Inc. v. Network Solutions                        Filed: 03/20/97
Assigned to: Judge Robert P. Patterson       Jury demand: Plaintiff
Demand: $0,000                               Nature of Suit:  410
Lead Docket: None                            Jurisdiction: Federal Question
Dkt# in other court: None

Cause: 28:1331 Fed. Question: Anti-trust

PGP MEDIA, INC.                   Daniel J. Leffell
dba                               [COR LD NTC]
Name.Space                        Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton &
     plaintiff                    Garrison
                                  1285 Avenue of the Americas
                                  New York, NY 10019-6064
                                  (212) 373-3000

                                  Michael J. Donovan
                                   [term  05/12/98]
                                  [COR LD NTC]
                                  431 Broome Street
                                  New York, NY 10013
                                  (212) 219-1415

                                  Gary M. Cohen
                                  Suite 700
                                  [COR LD NTC]
                                  Blumenfeld & Cohen
                                  1615 M Street, N.W.
                                  Washington, DC 20036


NETWORK SOLUTIONS, INC.           Richard E. Carlton
     defendant                    [COR LD NTC]
                                  Sullivan & Cromwell
                                  125 Broad Street
                                  New York, NY 10004
                                  (212) 558-4000

                                  William M. Dallas, Jr.
                                  [COR LD NTC]
                                   Sullivan & Cromwell
                                  125 Broad Street
                                  New York, NY 10004

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                                  (212) 558-4000

                                  Steven M. Haber
                                  [COR LD NTC]
                                   U.S. Attorney's Office
                                  100 Chruch Street
                                  New York, NY 10007
                                  (212) 385-4387

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Proceedings include all events.
1:97cv1946    PGP Media, Inc. v. Network Solutions

3/20/97  1       COMPLAINT filed; Summons issued and Notice pursuant to 28
                 U.S.C. 636(c);  FILING FEE $ 150.00  RECEIPT # 283428 (sac)
                 [Entry date 03/21/97]

3/20/97  2       Rule 9 certificate filed by PGP Media, Inc. (sac)
                 [Entry date 03/21/97]

3/20/97  --       Magistrate Judge Grubin is so Designated. (sac)
                 [Entry date 03/21/97]

4/3/97   3       AMENDED COMPLAINT by PGP Media, Inc. , amending [1-1]
                 complaint. (kw) [Entry date 04/04/97]

4/7/97   4       STIPULATION and ORDER, Plaintiff shall file an Amended
                 Complaint reflecting its change of corporate name upon the
                 entry of this stipulation and order. Extending
                 defendant's time to answer or otherwise respond to the
                 Amended Complaint,  Set answer due to Amended Complaint
                 for 4/23/97 for Network Solutions. SO ORDERED: ( signed by
                 Judge Robert P. Patterson ). (ae) [Entry date 04/08/97]

4/23/97  5       ANSWER by Network Solutions (Attorney Richard E. Carlton)
                 to amended complaint (ricm) [Entry date 04/24/97]

4/23/97  6       Rule 9 certificate filed by Network Solutions (ricm)
                 [Entry date 04/24/97]

4/25/97  7       Affidavit of service as to Network Solutions upon Robert
                 Korzeniewski on 3/20/97 Answer due on 4/9/97 for Network
                 Solutions (djc) [Entry date 04/29/97]

5/8/97   8       Filed Memo_Endorsement on letter from Michael J. Donovan
                 dated 5/5/97,  reset pretrial conference for 9:00 a.m. on
                 5/26/97 AT 9 A.M. ...SO ORDERED... ( signed by Judge
                 Robert P. Patterson ) (ls) [Entry date 05/09/97]

5/27/97  --      Pre-trial conference (contested issue) held and concluded
                 before Judge Patterson on 5/27/97 (ls) [Entry date 05/28/97]

5/27/97  --      Pre-trial conference set at 9:00 a.m. on 6/27/97 (ls)
                 [Entry date 05/28/97]

5/28/97  9       SCHEDULING ORDER setting Pretrial conference for 9:00
                 6/27/97 ; ( signed by Judge Robert P. Patterson ) ; mailed
                 (kg) [Entry date 05/29/97]

6/12/97  10      Filed Memo-Endorsement on letter to Judge Patterson from
                 William M. Dallas, Jr. dated 6/10/97,  reset pretrial
                 conference for 9:00 7/1/97 ( signed by Judge Robert P.
                 Patterson ) (kg)

6/23/97  11      STIPULATION and ORDER, for confidentiality ( signed by
                 Judge Robert P. Patterson ). (ae) [Entry date 06/24/97]

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8/12/97  --      Before Judge Patterson; Pre-trial conference  held (cd)
                 [Entry date 08/13/97]

8/13/97  12      SCHEDULING ORDER: Declaratory judgment motion served by
                 9/15/97 (signed by Judge Robert P. Patterson). (djc)
                 [Edit date 08/14/97]

9/18/97  13      SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT by PGP Media, Inc. (Answer due
                 10/1/97 for Network Solutions) amending [3-1] amended
                 complaint; Summons issued. (sac) [Entry date 09/19/97]
                 [Edit date 09/19/97]

9/22/97  14      PRETRIAL ORDER on consent filed; (signed by Judge Robert P.
                 Patterson (djc) [Entry date 09/23/97]

9/29/97  15      STIPULATION and ORDER, reset answer to the Second Amended
                 Complaint due for 11/18/97 for Network Solutions (signed by
                 Judge Robert P. Patterson). (pl) [Entry date 09/30/97]
                 [Edit date 10/02/97]

11/17/97 16      ANSWER by Network Solutions (Attorney William M. Dallas
                 Jr.) to second amended complaint;  Firm of: Sullivan &
                 Cromwell by attorney William M. Dallas Jr. for defendant
                 Network Solutions (ys) [Entry date 11/18/97]

11/17/97 17      ANSWER to Complaint by Network Solutions  (Attorney Steven
                 M. Haber); Firm of: Mary Jo White, Assistant United States
                 Attorney by attorney Steven M. Haber for defendant Network
                 Solutions.  (rec. ndb 11/17/97 5:08 p.m) (ys)
                 [Entry date 11/19/97] [Edit date 11/19/97]

12/4/97  --      Pre-trial conference held before Judge Patterson. Contested
                 Issued; Next conference 12/18/97 @ 9am. (kk)
                 [Entry date 12/15/97]

12/4/97  --      Pre-trial conference set at 9:00 12/18/97 before Judge
                 Patterson. (kk) [Entry date 12/15/97]

12/10/97 18      Filed Memo-Endorsement on letter to Judge Patterson from
                 Michael J. Donovan dated 12/03/97, reset pretrial
                 conference for 9:00 a.m., on 12/18/97 (signed by Judge
                 Robert P. Patterson) (djc)

12/18/97 --      Pre-trial conference held (rg)

12/18/97 --      Pre-trial conference  set at 9:00 3/18/98 (rg)

12/23/97 19      SCHEDULING ORDER setting Pretrial conference for 9:00 a.m.,
                 on 3/18/98; (signed by Judge Robert P. Patterson); Copies
                 mailed (djc) [Entry date 12/24/97]

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3/18/98  20      Filed Memo Endorsement on letter to Judge Patterson from
                 Paul Garrin, dated 3/12/98, regarding plntf's request to
                 adjourn the 3/18 ptc for 90 days; the application is granted
                 in part; reset pretrial conference for 9:00 5/19/98 (
                 signed by Judge Robert P. Patterson ) (cd)
                 [Edit date 03/19/98]

4/20/98  21      NOTICE of attorney appearance for PGP Media, Inc. by Gary
                 M. Cohen (ae) [Entry date 04/21/98]

4/29/98  22      Filed Memo-Endorsement on letter by William M. Dallas to
                 Judge Patterson dated 4/28/98, pretrial conference
                 adjourned to 5/27/98 at 9:00 a.m.; Counsel are to notify
                 plaintiff not his counsel of this adjourned date and that
                 the case may be dismissed if counsel fails to appear. Such
                 notice is to be in writing with a copy to the court (
                 signed by Judge Robert P. Patterson ) (ae)
                 [Entry date 05/01/98]

5/12/98  23      Filed Memo-Endorsement on letter to Judge Patterson from
                 Gary M. Cohen dated 05/11/98, Since filing the Notice of
                 Appearance, neither Mr. Manishin nor myself have been
                 directly served communications with the court by opposing
                 counsel, apparently on the ground that our firm has not
                 been designated as plaintiff's "counsel of record."
                 Therefore, via this letter we assure the Court of the
                 plaintiff's desire that we replace Mr. Donovan as counsel
                 of record. Application granted, provided counsel are
                 admitted to the Court. (signed by Judge Robert P.
                 Patterson) (djc) [Entry date 05/13/98]

5/14/98  25      NOTICE OF MOTION by PGP Media, Inc.; pursuant to Rule 65
                 of the FRCP, for a preliminary injunction, Return date
                 6/8/98; with Declaration(s) in support attached (filed in
                 the night deposit on 5/14/98 at 6:36 p.m.) (ae)
                 [Entry date 05/15/98]

5/14/98  26      MEMORANDUM OF LAW by PGP Media, Inc. in support of [25-1]
                 motion pursuant to Rule 65 of the FRCP, for a preliminary
                 injunction (filed in the night deposit on 5/14/98 at 6:35
                 p.m.) (ae) [Entry date 05/15/98]

5/14/98  27      NOTICE of attorney appearance for PGP Media, Inc.  by
                 Daniel J. Leffell (djc) [Entry date 05/19/98]

5/15/98  24      SEALED DOCUMENT placed in vault (kb)

5/18/98  28      Letter filed by Philip L. Sbarbaro of Network Solutions to
                 Judge Patterson dated 5/12/98 (djc) [Entry date 05/19/98]

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5/27/98  --      Pre-trial conference held and concluded on 5/27/98.  Court
                 rules: PI motion is to be denied.  Partial SJ
                 motion-plaintiff will file 56.1 statement by 6/2/98.
                 Defendant's SJ motion on 7/2/98, plaintiff's answer
                 7/16/98, argument 7/20/98 at 4:00 p.m. (kw)
                 [Entry date 05/29/98]

6/1/98   29      ORDER, the pending motion for preliminary injunction is to
                 be deemed a motion for partial summary judgment, plaintiff
                 will file 56.1 statement by 06/02/98; set scheduling
                 order deadlines: Deadline for filing of all motions by
                 7/2/98; plaintiff's response to motion deadline 7/16/98;
                 (signed by Judge Robert P. Patterson) Copies mailed (djc)
                 [Entry date 06/02/98]

6/2/98   30      PRETRIAL ORDER filed ( signed by Judge Robert P. Patterson
                 ) (ae) [Entry date 06/03/98]

6/2/98   31      ORDER; that Glenn B. Manishin shall be permitted to enter
                 appearances for, argue and try this action in full as
                 counsel pro hac vice for pltff pg.Media, Inc.; ( signed by
                 Judge Robert P. Patterson ); Copies mailed; forwarded orig.
                 doc. to Attny. Admissions Clerk on 6/3/98 (ls)
                 [Entry date 06/03/98]

6/2/98   32      Rule 3(g)/56.1 statement filed by PGP Media, Inc. (cd)
                 [Entry date 06/03/98]

[END OF DOCKET: 1:97cv1946]
